As I'm sure you know, Valentine's Day is this Sunday. And you also probably know that Valentine's Day is a day of love. What you may not realize, however, is just how wide the category of love actually is.
Disclaimer: I do not have a boyfriend, and there are no prospects. (That's mostly an update for my family. You're welcome. No need to ask. I'll let you know when it happens, trust me.)
Love is about more than loving someone else. It's also important to love yourself. I love the Oscar Wilde quote that I used for the title of this post because it really emphasized to me that the love you have for yourself will be the love that you have for the longest time during your life.
And that only makes sense. Why would you want to live your life as someone you don't like? If you don't like yourself, then learn to like yourself. Don't spend life unhappy because what's the point of that?
I don't think there has ever really been a time when I hated Valentine's Day. I think I've always enjoyed the day of love because I think I've always understood that I was loved by so many other people that I didn't necessarily need a boyfriend. And the fact that I am loved by so many other people helped me to learn to love myself.
When the time comes, I'll be happy to accept a box of chocolates from some lucky guy (because yes, he will be the lucky one.) Until then, the only chocolate I need on Valentine's Day is the giant Reeses heart my mom and dad give me every year.
I'm excited for Valentine's Day this year! I plan on spending the day watching movies and just hanging out because I deserve a break from homework.
Last year one of my friends and I spent the day watching our favorite movies. From morning (*cough* noon) until midnight, we watched movie after movie, only leaving the couch in my dorm for bathroom breaks. And it was so great. Definitely one of the best, if not the best, Valentine's Days ever.
So this Valentine's Day, take some time to think about all the love in your life that is worth celebrating this year. If you're in a relationship, good for you! Celebrate the love you have for your significant other. But don't forget to celebrate the love you have for yourself. If you're not in a relationship, take some time to truly appreciate yourself and all that you are because you are so special.
Happy Heart Day, folks! What's your favorite way to spend the day of love, whether you're in a relationship or not?
Lots of love,