Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.
Who doesn't love a little time off? This week I am home for spring break, and it's been so nice to just sit back and relax.
While a lot of other people my age are on a beach somewhere warm, I'm sitting at home, and I don't really mind at all. Although it would be nice to sit on a beach with a nice book while getting a nice, even tan (blotchy, red sunburn), I like sitting at home catching up on my favorite shows and indulging in a good book or two.
So far this break, I haven't really done much, and that's fine by me. After two months of going nonstop, it's been nice to stop and just be. Instead of rushing to classes and holing up to write papers and articles, I've gotten to just sit and watch TV or read.
Here are a few things I've done while home for break.
Under Their Roof
Family is the best part about coming home. According to my mom, home has to do with the people you're with, not the building you're in. Movie nights with my parents are some of my favorite nights. And I love going to the movies with my mom. We recently saw Whiskey Tango Foxtrot with Tina Fey (I highly recommend).
Sister, Sister
I love spending time with my sister, and these days, it's rare that we get to spend time alone. During this break I got the chance to spend a day with her, helping* with projects around the house (*I think I did more talking than I did helping). But it was a great day full of catching up and bonding. Thanks, Holl!
Nephew Lovin'
Every time I'm home I have to see Calvin. It seems like he's changed so much every time I see him! Now he's walking and babbling and just so big. I always love seeing him and playing with him and watching him grow before my eyes.
Coffee Date
Being home for break is a great time to catch up with friends from high school. I love meeting up with friends to catch up of on everything happening in our lives. It's so fun to hear about all of their experiences and everything they're doing. My friends are so great and are doing such great things!
Nothing says "break" like binge-watching shows on Netflix or my DVR. This week I've watched Fuller House and caught up on this season of Pretty Little Liars. I wonder if I can fit in all of series six of Downton Abbey...
Book Worm
One of the best things about break is having so much free time to read. Between classes and papers and studying, I don't find much time to free read while at school. While I'm home for break, I try to take time to read something that's been sitting unopened on my bookshelf or waiting on my Goodreads "To Read" list.
Though it's nice to have a break at home, I know that I'll have to be back to the grindstone, as my dad always says, come Monday. I try to stay at least a little productive so that I don't completely fall out of my routine. I do have two more months of school, so I need to stay focused and productive. But sometimes a girl's just gotta sleep in and enjoy some down time. What's your favorite way to unwind and relax?
Lots of love,
Jane Austen, "Emma"